Daca vrei sa schimbi lumea iubeste un barbat; dar iubeste-l cu adevarat
Alege unul al carui suflet il cheama pe al tau exact, care te vede; care este destul de curajos sa se teama
Accepta-i mana si ghideaza-l usor catre sangele ce iti inunda inima
Acolo unde iti poate simti caldura care il invaluie, acolo unde se poate odihni
Acolo unde focul tau ii va mistui povara grea
Priveste in ochii lui, priveste in profunzime si vezi ce salasluieste acolo, adormit, treaz sau timid...
in ochii lui si vezi acolo parintii si bunicii lui si toate razboaiele
si nebunia ce au luptat-o spiritele lor intr-un tinut indepartat,
intr-un timp indepartat.
Priveste catre durerile lor si luptele si framantarile si vina; fara sa judeci
Si da-i drumul, las-o sa plece
Simte aceasta ancestrala povara
Si fii constienta de refugiul, de siguranta pe care o cauta in tine
Lasa-l sa se topeasca in privirea ta
Si fii constienta ca nu trebuie sa oglindesti acea furie
Pentru ca tu ai un pantec, o dulce, adanca poarta catre taramul care spala si vindeca vechile rani.
Daca vrei sa schimbi lumea iubeste un barbat, dar iubeste-l cu adevarat
Aseaza-te inaintea lui, in plenitudinea feminitatii tale, in suflarea vulnerabilitatii tale
In joaca inocenta a copilului, in adancimea mortii
O invitatie infloritoare, ce rasare usor permitandu-i sa fie puternic ca barbat
Sa inainteze catre tine... sa innoate in pantecul Pamantului, intr-o cunoastere tacuta, impreuna
Si atunci cand se va retrage... pentru ca o va face.. va fugi inspaimantat in grota lui...
Aduna-ti bunicile langa tine si inconjoara-te cu intelepciunea lor
Asculta-le soaptele usoare si calmeaza-ti feciorelnica inima speriata
Indemnandu-te sa ramai calma... sa astepti rabdatoare intoarcerea lui
Aseaza-te si canta la usa lui, un cantec al aducerii aminte, care il va mangaia, inca o data
Daca vrei sa schimbi lumea, iubeste un barbat, iubeste-l cu adevarat
Nu ademeni sa iasa afara baietelul dinauntrul lui
Cu capcane si ademeneli, cu seductie si pacaleli
Doar ca sa il atragi in capcana...intr-o panza a distrugerii
Intr-un loc plin de haos si ura
Mai ingrozitor decat orice razboi purtat de fratii lui
Aceasta nu este feminitate, este razbunare
Aceasta este otrava nenumaratelor abuzuri ce au avut loc dealungul anilor, violul lumii noastre
Si asta nu aduce nici o putere femeii, o reduce... pe masura ce ea il castreaza
Si ne ucide pe toti
Si chiar daca mama lui l-a purtat in brate sau nu a putut
Arata-i acum adevarata mama
Imbratiseaza-l si ghideaza-l in gratia ta, in profunzimea fiintei tale
In caldura mocnita a miezului Pamantului
Nu il pedepsi pentru ranile lui despre care crezi ca nu se potrivesc nevoilor si criteriilor tale
Plangi pentru el rauri dulci
Lasa ranile sa sangereze cand te intorci acasa.
Daca vrei sa schimbi lumea, iubeste un barbat, iubeste-l cu adevarat
Iubeste-l inndeajuns incat sa i te arati goala si libera
Iubeste-l indeajuns incat sa iti deschizi corpul si sufletul catre ciclul nasterii si al mortii
Si multumeste-i pentru oportunitate
In timp ce dansati impreuna printre vanturi turbate si paduri tacute
Fii destul de curajoasa incat sa fii fragila si permite-i sa soarba din moile si imbatatoarele petale ale fiintei tale
Permite-i sa stie ca te poate imbratisa, apara si proteja
Arunca-te in bratele lui si ai incredere ca te va prinde
Chiar daca ai fost scapata de o mie de ori inainte
Invata-l cum sa se renunte la el, renuntand tu la tine
Si uniti-va intr-un dulce nimic al inimii acestei lumi.
Daca vrei sa schimbi lumea, iubeste un barbat, iubeste-l cu adevarat
Incurajeaza-l, hraneste-l, permite-i sa fie, asculta-l, imbratiseaza-l, vindeca-l
Si tu, in schimb, vei fi hranita, sustinuta si protejata
De brate puternice si ganduri limpezi si de sageti precise
Pentru ca el poate, daca tu ii permiti, sa fie tot ce ai visat
Daca vrei sa iubesti un barbat, iubeste-te pe tine insuti, iubeste-ti tatal
Iubeste-ti fratele si fiul, ubeste-ti fostul partener, de la primul baiat pe care l-ai sarutat
Pana la ultimul pentru care ai plans
Multumeste pentru daruri; pentru revelatia din aceasta intalnire
Aceluia care sta in fata ta
Si regaseste-l in samanta a tot ce este nou sub soare
Samanta pe care o poti hrani si ajuta sa creasca ca planta
Pentru a creste o lume noua, impreuna.
If you want to change the world love a man; really love him
Choose the one whose soul calls to yours clearly who sees you; who is brave enough to be afraid
Accept his hand and guide him gently to your hearts blood
Where he can feel your warmth upon him and rest there
And burn his heavy load in your fires
Look into his eyes look deep within and see what lies dormant or awake or shy or expectant there
Look into his eyes and see there his fathers and grandfathers and all the wars and madness their spirits fought in some distant land, some distant time
Look upon their pains and struggles and torments and guilt; without judgment
And let it all go
Feel into his ancestral burden
And know that what he seeks is safe refuge in you
Let him melt in your steady gaze
And know that you need not mirror that rage
Because you have a womb, a sweet, deep gateway to wash and renew old wounds
If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Sit before him, in the full majesty of your woman in the breath of your vulnerability
In the play of your child innocence in the depths of your death
Flowering invitation, softly yielding, allowing his power as a man
To step forward towards you…and swim in the Earth’s womb, in silent knowing, together
And when he retreats…because he will…flees in fear to his cave…
Gather your grandmothers around you…envelope in their wisdom
Hear their gentle shusshhhed whispers, calm your frightened girls’ heart
Urging you to be still…and wait patiently for his return
Sit and sing by his door, a song of remembrance, that he may be soothed, once more
If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him
Do not coax out his little boy
With guile and wiles and seduction and trickery
Only to lure him…to a web of destruction
To a place of chaos and hatred
More terrible than any war fought by his brothers
This is not feminine this is revenge
This is the poison of the twisted lines
Of the abuse of the ages, the rape of our world
And this gives no power to woman it reduces her as she cuts off his balls
And it kills us all
And whether his mother held him or could not
Show him the true mother now
Hold him and guide him in your grace and your depth
Smoldering in the center of the Earth’s core
Do not punish him for his wounds that you think don’t meet your needs or criteria
Cry for him sweet rivers
Bleed it all back home
If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Love him enough to be naked and free
Love him enough to open your body and soul to the cycle of birth and of death
And thank him for the opportunity
As you dance together through the raging winds and silent woods
Be brave enough to be fragile and let him drink in the soft, heady petals of your being
Let him know he can hold you stand up and protect you
Fall back into his arms and trust him to catch you
Even if you’ve been dropped a thousand times before
Teach him how to surrender by surrendering yourself
And merge into the sweet nothing, of this worlds’ heart
If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him
Encourage him, feed him, allow him, hear him, hold him, heal him
And you, in turn, will be nourished and supported and protected
By strong arms and clear thoughts and focused arrows
Because he can, if you let him, be all that you dream
If you want to love a man, love yourself, love your father
Love your brother, your son, your ex-partner; from the first boy you kissed,
To the last one you wept over
Give thanks for the gifts; of your unraveling to this meeting
Of the one who stands before you now
And find in him the seed to all that’s new and solar
A seed that you can feed to help direct the planting
To grow a new world, together
Look into his eyes and see there his fathers and grandfathers and all the wars and madness their spirits fought in some distant land, some distant time
Look upon their pains and struggles and torments and guilt; without judgment
And let it all go
Feel into his ancestral burden
And know that what he seeks is safe refuge in you
Let him melt in your steady gaze
And know that you need not mirror that rage
Because you have a womb, a sweet, deep gateway to wash and renew old wounds
If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Sit before him, in the full majesty of your woman in the breath of your vulnerability
In the play of your child innocence in the depths of your death
Flowering invitation, softly yielding, allowing his power as a man
To step forward towards you…and swim in the Earth’s womb, in silent knowing, together
And when he retreats…because he will…flees in fear to his cave…
Gather your grandmothers around you…envelope in their wisdom
Hear their gentle shusshhhed whispers, calm your frightened girls’ heart
Urging you to be still…and wait patiently for his return
Sit and sing by his door, a song of remembrance, that he may be soothed, once more
If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him
Do not coax out his little boy
With guile and wiles and seduction and trickery
Only to lure him…to a web of destruction
To a place of chaos and hatred
More terrible than any war fought by his brothers
This is not feminine this is revenge
This is the poison of the twisted lines
Of the abuse of the ages, the rape of our world
And this gives no power to woman it reduces her as she cuts off his balls
And it kills us all
And whether his mother held him or could not
Show him the true mother now
Hold him and guide him in your grace and your depth
Smoldering in the center of the Earth’s core
Do not punish him for his wounds that you think don’t meet your needs or criteria
Cry for him sweet rivers
Bleed it all back home
If you want to change the world love a man, really love him
Love him enough to be naked and free
Love him enough to open your body and soul to the cycle of birth and of death
And thank him for the opportunity
As you dance together through the raging winds and silent woods
Be brave enough to be fragile and let him drink in the soft, heady petals of your being
Let him know he can hold you stand up and protect you
Fall back into his arms and trust him to catch you
Even if you’ve been dropped a thousand times before
Teach him how to surrender by surrendering yourself
And merge into the sweet nothing, of this worlds’ heart
If you want to change the world, love a man, really love him
Encourage him, feed him, allow him, hear him, hold him, heal him
And you, in turn, will be nourished and supported and protected
By strong arms and clear thoughts and focused arrows
Because he can, if you let him, be all that you dream
If you want to love a man, love yourself, love your father
Love your brother, your son, your ex-partner; from the first boy you kissed,
To the last one you wept over
Give thanks for the gifts; of your unraveling to this meeting
Of the one who stands before you now
And find in him the seed to all that’s new and solar
A seed that you can feed to help direct the planting
To grow a new world, together
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